Who We Are

The Verleur Group LLC (TVG) is a boutique venture capital firm engaged in the hands-on incubation of startups. We are a mature team of field-hardened executives who love the art of turning abstractions into reality.

We build teams, buildings, factories, products and brands, but most importantly Profits, for a small family of like-minded investors. We have a proven track record of enterprise excellence, having executed ventures from inception through profitability and strategic exit.

Key Management
Strategic Advisors
We are not bankers, we are entrepreneurs who invest.

Our Approach

TVG is the first anchor investor in the companies where we invest. We identify a limited number of co-investors to participate with us through one of our TVG managed funds. TVG Managed Funds are managed by TVG and invest in three main categories of companies:


TVG Incubated Startups are companies founded by TVG in partnership with entrepreneurs. These majority-held ventures are cultivated from seed to maturity by the TVG management team. We typically invest from $100K to $20M to bring these companies to profitability and mature scale.


TVG Synergistic Real-Estate are custom developed properties that underpin the operations of TVG Incubated Startups, with expected rental cap rates in excess of 20%


TVG Synergy Investments are companies that bring actual business value to our Incubated Startups. These are mostly minority investment positions in companies that trade with or provide quantifiable synergy to our existing portfolio companies. We typically invest between $100k to $5M in deals of this nature.

Where We Invest

  • TVG invests in startups and small private companies.
  • We like consumer facing products and services.
  • We love eCommerce, but we don't ignore retail.
  • We understand technology.
  • We only work with proven management teams.

We are currently reviewing projects in the following business categories: Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Nutraceuticals, Online Brands and Services, China Sourced Goods, and Fully Legal Cannabis.

If you have something for us to look at, please email it to proposals@verleur.com and we will let you know if we have any interest in taking a further look. Unfortunately, we cannot sign NDAs on unsolicited business plans, and for the protection and privacy of our fiduciaries, we cannot openly disclose our current portfolio of investments.


We turn abstraction into reality; from prototyping, to advanced tooling, manufacturing, quality control, and logistics. TVG employs an expert team of sourcing and quality control specialists. Over the last decade, our team has designed, manufactured and sold almost a billion dollar's worth of consumer goods. We understand the complexities of building efficient global supply chains in real-time, while scaling a business. Our approach is methodical and technical, with a focus on quality control and supply chain stability. We take on a variety of projects from straight sourcing, to complex supply chain design and margin optimization engagements. TVG has boots on the ground in both the United States and Asia, with a deep rolodex of high-quality manufacturers for nearly every product category.

Core Competency Areas

Small Electronics
Consumer Product Packaging
Health and Wellness Products
Lighting and LED

We are a very focused firm, primarily engaged in the venture capital arena, so we are limited in how many sourcing and consulting projects we take on each year. At present, we are seeking new projects. We are particularly interested in working with brands that have a strong online presence and superior growth prospects. If you have a project that you'd like us to consider please email us at proposals@verleur.com

Contact the Verleur Group


3050 Biscayne Blvd, Ste 700 Miami, FL 33137



Local Miami

+1 305.425.9475

Toll Free

+1 888.771.7195

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